CALCARD Calibration Check Card

CALCARD Calibration Check Card
All professionals working in the electrical environment must test and verify their installations as both safe and correct. This is achieved by measuring the insulation and continuity of the installation using calibrated and accurate instruments.
The accuracy and serviceability of the instrument when returned from periodic calibration will state it was within calibration parameters; but only at that time only. it certainly could not guarantee that the instrument or its leads and probes would still be fit for purpose at any time after that.
The CalCard® provides the solution. Verifying the serviceability and ongoing accuracy of an instruments ability to make the same truthful resistance readings throughout the time between these formal calibrations period.
In the UK this monthly procedural test became an integral part of the compliance requirements for electricians with all industry regulatory, health and safety bodies.
- Satisfies all UK appointed inspectorates.
- Meets applicable requirements for British and European standards and HSE.
- Fulfils the verification requirements for continuity and insulation instruments.
- Credit card sized, it is the smallest and most cost-effective professional solution available.
- Extends the regulation period for instrument calibration.
- Saves professionals time, money and inconvenience of yearly calibration.