40 Years of Test Equipment

It was 40 years ago that the 15th Edition Wiring Regulations were issued and a lot has happened since then in the world of electrical test equipment. A hand-wound insulation tester would be the most common form of Test Instrument that would be carried by the 1980s electrician which would appear to be something from a bygone age to the apprentice of today.
One of the most important developments to affect all types of electrical test equipment has been the introduction of safety category ratings in line with IEC1010. Usually known as CAT rating. This relates to an instrument’s ability to withstand transients (spikes) on the supply. This is important because if, while the instrument is being used, it experiences a transient that is beyond its capacity to handle, it is likely to be seriously damaged and may even injure the user.
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Due to 40 Years of Test Equipment manufacturing, we’ve noticed that Modern instruments provide the user with safety and performance features which makes their job safer, easier and quicker. At Di-Log we are constantly working to develop instruments that remain at the forefront of technology.
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